Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Scouler's Catchfly.
Silene scouleri.
Pink (Caryophyllaceae) family.
Plants perennial; taproot stout; caudex branched, woody, crowns 1-several. Stems erect, simple proximal to inflorescence, slender or stout, 10-80 cm, puberulent. Leaves 2 per node; basal petiolate, blade oblanceolate, 6-25 cm × 4-30 mm, retrorsely puberulent on both surfaces; cauline in 1-12 pairs, usually sessile, blade well developed, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, oblanceolate, or rarely linear or linear-lanceolate. Inflorescences cymose, pseudo-racemose, or rarely paniculate, erect or nodding, with 1-12 flowering nodes, 2-20-flowered, open or dense, flowers paired or in many-flowered whorls, bracteate, cymes often sessile; bracts 3-60 mm. Pedicels becoming deflexed at base of calyx, 4-2 times calyx, glandular-pubescent. Flowers shortly pedicellate or sessile; calyx prominently 10-veined, campanulate or tubular in flower, clavate, turbinate, or fusiform in fruit, constricted or not at base around carpophore in fruit, 8-20 × 3-8 mm, veins parallel, purplish or green, with pale commissures; lobes lanceolate, 2-5 mm, apex obtuse with broad membranous margin and tip; corolla white, greenish white, or pink, sometimes tinged pink or purple, clawed, claw longer than calyx, limb deeply 2-4-lobed, often with smaller lateral teeth, 2.5-8 mm, appendages 1-3 mm; stamens ± equaling corolla claw; styles 3-4, ± equaling corolla claw. Capsules ovoid to ellipsoid, equaling or slightly longer than calyx, opening by 6 or 8 teeth; carpophore 1.5-6 mm. Seeds brown or grayish brown, reniform, 1-1.5 mm, margins papillate, rugose on sides.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Location: Incinerator Ridge Trail.
8/27/15, 8/16/16.
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description