Black Checkerspot Black Checkerspot Black Checkerspot Black Checkerspot Black Checkerspot

Butterflies of Southern Arizona

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Black Checkerspot.
Chlosyne cyneas.
Brush-footed Butterfly(Nymphalidae) Family.

Identification: Upperside dark brown with brownish-red marginal spots and two neat rows of white spots. Underside white, cream, or yellow with black veins; median black band contains a row of light spots. Wing Span: 1 3/8 - 1 5/8 inches (3.5 - 4.2 cm). Life History: Males perch and sometimes patrol during the day on hilltops to find females. Eggs are laid in groups on the underside of host plant leaves. Caterpillars feed on leaves and flowers; young ones live together in a loose web. Third-stage caterpillars hibernate. Flight: Many broods from April-September. Caterpillar Hosts: Brachystigma in Arizona and Seymeria tenuisecta in Mexico. Also Castilleja. Adult Food: Flower nectar including seep willow. Habitat: Mountain meadows and openings in Ponderosa pine, oak, and pinyon woods. Range: Rare in the United States. Southern Mexico north to southeastern Arizona. Conservation: Conserve as much United States habitat as possible.

Santa Catalina Mountains
Chihuahua Pines Picnic Area.
Location: On Tagetes lemmonii in wash.

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