Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Bog Orchid.
Platanthera limosa.
Orchid (Orchidaceae) family.
Plants 30-165 cm. Leaves few to several, spreading-ascending on base of stem, gradually reduced to bracts upwards; blade lanceolate, 9-28 × 1.2-3.5 cm. Spikes dense to lax. Flowers resupinate, inconspicuous, green; lateral sepals reflexed to spreading; petals lanceolate-, ovate-oblong-, or ovate-falcate, margins entire; lip descending to reflexed, linear-oblong, linear-elliptic, or rhombic-ovate, usually with inconspicuous to scarcely discernable (possibly sometimes absent) median basal thickening, 2.5-8.5 × less than 1-3.5 mm, margins entire; spur filiform, tapering toward apex, very rarely filiform-conic from slightly stout base, 8-25 mm; rostellum lobes mostly parallel, closely spaced, directed downward, very small, rounded, obscure; pollinaria straight; pollinia remaining enclosed in anther sacs; viscidia evidently elliptic-oblong; ovary rather slender to stout, mostly 4.5-11 mm. Platanthera limosa is most consistently separated from other green-flowered species by the combination of very small, narrow column and slender spur much longer than the lip.
Location: Santa Catalina Mountains.
See SEINet Pictures and Description