Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Canada Violet.
Viola canadensis.
Violet (Violaceae) family.
The up to 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) wide flowers emerge from the leaf axils and have 5 round-tipped, unequal, white to light purple petals with yellow at the base and 5 green, narrowly lance-shaped sepals. The lower 3 petals are lined with dark purple at the base and the 2 lower side petals are bearded. The backs of the petals are often purple-tinged. The flowers are followed by hairless, 3-valved seed capsules that explode open when dry and expel the seeds a distance away from the parent plant. The leaves are dark green, basal and alternate, toothed, and heart-shaped with a tapering, pointed tip. The stems are erect, branched, green to brownish, and hairy or hairless.
Catalina Mountains
Location: Bear Wallow Trail at 7740 ft; 32 2533.345 N, 110 44 28.204 W and several other locations on the mountain top.
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description