Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Careless Weed.
Amaranthus palmeri.
Amaranth (Amaranthaceae) family.
The flowers have 5 sepals and lanceolate, spine-tipped bracts. The flowers are both borne in the leaf axils and densely clustered on long, thin, often drooping terminal flower spikes. The central, terminal inflorescence is up to 18 inches (46 cm) long and is noticeably longer than the lateral flower spikes. The seeds are shiny, red-brown in color, and tiny, less than 1/16 inch (~1 mm) long. The leaves are simple, green, alternate, hairless, petiolate, egg-shaped to lance-shaped, and often variegated with a horizontal band of silver-green. The stems are erect, branched, and usually reddish in color.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Location: Prison Camp (Gordon Hirabayashi)
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description