Sabino Canyon 3/15/16
Sabino Canyon 3/15/16
Sabino Canyon 3/15/16
Sabino Canyon 3/15/16
Sabino Canyon 3/15/16
Sabino Canyon 3/15/16
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Desert Chicory.
Rafinesquia neomexicana.
Aster (Asteraceae) family.
The chicory-like flower heads are 1 1/2 inches (3.8 cm) across and have broad, square-tipped, 5-toothed rays, green, magenta, and cream-streaked bracts, and no disks. The rays are white above and reddish maroon-streaked below. The leaves are grayish green, alternate, elongated, and toothed or narrowly lobed. The stems are erect, grayish green, smooth, and hairless.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Sabino Canyon Recreation Area
Location: Adjacent to road to Cactus Picnic Area
Notes: Dry Sabino Creek bed near bridge crossing 3/15/16
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description