Catalina State Park 3/6/16
Sabino Canyon 2/2/16
Sabino Canyon 2/2/16
Sabino Canyon 2/2/16
Fruit Sabino Canyon 3/8/16
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Coulter's Lupine.
Lupinus sparsiflorus.
Pea (Fabaceae) family.
Often found even in dry years on rocky slopes. The pea-like flowers are spiraled around the hairy, upright flower spikes. The individual flowers are 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) long and have a brown-spotted, yellow and white banner spot that becomes magenta-tinged with age. The keel petals curve upward and have a hairy fringe. The leaves are green and palmately compound with 7 to 11 linear to narrowly oblanceolate, partly folded leaflets. The upper surfaces of the leaflets are covered in spreading and flat-lying hairs and are hairiest near the margins.
Saguaro National Park East
Notes: Along Bear Canyon Road at Sabino Canyon 2/2/16
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description