Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Golden Columbine.
Aquilegia chrysantha.
Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family.
The flowers are up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) across and have 5 longer, pale yellow, lanceolate sepals and 5 shorter, oblong petals with slender, evenly tapering, up to 2 1/2 inch (6.4 cm) long, nectar-filled spurs projecting behind them. The leaves are green and divided into 2 (rare) or 3 delicate, round-lobed or toothed leaflets. The stems are green and very slender, giving this plant a light, airy appearance.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Location: Shoulder of Marshall Gulch Road.
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description