Rattlesnake Canyon 1/22/17
Rattlesnake Canyon 1/22/17
Rattlesnake Canyon 1/22/17
Rattlesnake Canyon 1/22/17
Rattlesnake Canyon 1/22/17
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Goodding Verbena.
Glandularia gooddingii.
Vervain (Verbenaceae) family.
The flowers are in clusters at the stem tips. The individual flowers are tubular, 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) wide, and have 5 notched lobes and a corolla tube slightly longer than the calyx. The leaves are green, toothed, softly hairy, triangular in shape, and either 3 to 5-lobed or pinnately dissected. The stems are square and hairy. The flowers are similar to Dakota Mock Vervain but the leaves are different.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Location: Bug Spring Trail at 4976 ft;
32.34395 N, -110.71725 W.
Notes: Rattlesnake Canyon just beyond link trail to Esperero Trail 1/22/17
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description