Same location 10/1/16
Photo by Fred Heath 12/16/18
Same location 10/1/16
Photo by Fred Heath 12/16/18
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Indian Anoda.
Anoda abutiloides.
Mallow (Malvaceae) family.
The flowers are in loose panicles above the leaves. The individual flowers are 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide, solid yellow wilting to reddish orange, and have 5 crinkled, fan-shaped petals and a distinctively hairy central staminal column. The flowers are followed by plump, flattened, hairy schizocarps with 5 mericarps (sections). The leaves are green above and below, hairy, toothed, alternate, and heart-shaped with a long, tapering tip. The stems are green, erect or leaning, and glandular-hairy.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Location: Catalina Highway pullout.
Notes: Same location 10/1/16, Sabino Canyon at first bridge below dam 12/16/18.
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description