Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Many-flowered Ipomopsis.
Ipomopsis multiflora.
Phlox (Polemoniaceae) family.
PLANT: Short-lived perennial, 15-50 cm tall, simple to branched at base; stems with short to long, glandular to nonglandular hairs. LEAVES: glabrous to sparsely short pilose or glandular, the lower deeply lobed, the upper entire to few lobed. INFLORESCENCE: somewhat diffuse to one sided, with subsessile flowers crowded on short, lateral branches. FLOWER: calyx 4-8 mm long, short-glandular pubescent, the lobes short aristate; corolla pale violet to purplish, the tube 5- 15 mm long, the throat 1-2.5 mm wide, the lobes subequal, the lower 3 partly united, often with purple flecks; stamens inserted on the upper tube or throat; filaments unequal; anthers exserted; stigma slightly exceeding the anthers. CAPSULE: 4.5-7 mm long; seeds 2-8 per locule. NOTES: 670-2590 m (2200-8500 ft); Jul-Oct.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Location: Prison Camp on slope beside road near gate.
Notes: 9/21/16. Widely distributed locally in Prison Camp after rainy summer.
See SEINet Pictures and Description