Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Red Elderberry.
Sambucus racemosa.
Muskroot (Adoxaceae) family.
Plant: Shrub 2-6 m, deciduous. Stem: pith conspicuous, spongy. Leaves: opposite, pinnately (rarely bipinnately) compound, with terminal leaflet; leaflets serrate, 5-7, 6-16 cm, lanceolate to oblong-ovate, base generally asymmetric, tip gradually acuminate. INFLORESCENCE: panicle made up of cymes, terminal, 6-10 cm diam, ± dome-shaped; central axis remaining dominant throughout development. Flowers: small; calyx 5-toothed; corolla radial, rotate, 5-lobed, white or cream; ovary chambers 3-5, ovules 1 per chamber and suspended from its top, style short, stigmas 3-5. Fruit: drupe, generally bright red, not glaucous; Seeds 3-5. Misc: Moist places; < 3300 m.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Turkey Run
Location: Beside trail.
See SEINet Pictures and Description