Molino Basin 9/29/16
Molino Basin 9/29/16
Molino Basin 9/29/16
Molino Basin 9/29/16
Molino Basin 9/29/16
Molino Basin 9/13/17
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Rivina humilis.
Pokeberry (Phytolaccaceae) family.
The flowers are in slender terminal racemes. The individual flowers are small and have 4 rounded, pink, white, or green sepals. The round, red berries contain a red dye and are often present at the same time as the flowers. The leaves are green, petiolate, and ovate, lanceolate, or triangular in shape. The stems are slender.
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Location: Molino Basin Campground
Notes: Molino Basin Campground 9/29/16, 9/13/17
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description