Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Scarlet Betony.
Stachys coccinea.
Mint (Lamiaceae) family.
The flowers are in multiple whorls near the stem tips. The individual flowers are tubular, 1 1/4 inches (3.2 cm) long, and 2-lipped with a single-lobed upper lip and a larger tri-lobed lower lip. The leaves have toothed or scalloped margins and are green, opposite, deeply veined, and triangular-ovate in shape. The leaves may resemble those of a Nettle (Urtica spp.), but they are not stinging. The stems are green and square in cross section.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Location: Prison Camp beside semicircular concrete walk at first bridge
Notes: Under tree near trail 0.2 mile beyond campground 9/21/16
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description