Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Slimleaf Bursage.
Ambrosia confertiflora
Aster (Asteraceae) family.
The staminate (male) flower heads are in terminal and lateral flower spikes, while the pistillate (female) flower heads are clustered below them at the leaf axils. The flowers are wind-pollinated and are followed by burs with a few, short, hooked spines. The leaves have petioles with lobed wings and are grayish green in color, mostly alternate, covered in silky grayish hair, lanceolate to ovate in shape, and 2-4 pinnately lobed with narrowly lanceolate lobes. The upright stems grow from rhizome-like roots and are hairy or bristly and green to reddish brown in color.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Sabino Canyon.
Location: Bear Canyon Trail .25 mile from Visitor Center.
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description