Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
Gordon Hirabayashi Prison Camp 9/21/16
The flowers are solitary and emerge on long stalks from the leaf axils. The individual flowers are less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide and have 5 petals, a short, white, hairy central staminal column, and 5 green sepals with long, bristly hairs. The flowers are followed by green, disk-shaped schizocarps (fruit) with 10 to 20 mericarps (segments) covered with long, stiff, bristly hairs. The leaves are green with usually a dark reddish or purplish marking along the midvein, alternate, sparsely hairy, toothed or not, and usually triangular or arrowhead-shaped with prominent basal lobes. The stems are erect or decumbent, green or reddish, and lightly covered with long, stiff, bristly hairs.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Location: Prison Camp on trail 0.2 mile beyond end of road.
Notes: Prison Camp in wash near trail 0.15 mile beyond end of road 9/21/16.