Sabino Canyon. Rattlesnake Canyon Trail. 10/22/15.
Sabino Canyon. Rattlesnake Canyon Trail. 10/22/15.
Sabino Canyon. Rattlesnake Canyon Trail. 10/22/15.
Sabino Canyon. Rattlesnake Canyon Trail. 10/22/15.
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Tripleleaf Morning-glory.
Ipomoea ternifolia.
Morning-glory (Convolvulaceae) Family.
The flowers have a cream to white mouth and are tubular, funnel-shaped, up to 2 inches (5 cm) wide, and on a short flower stalk. The flowers remain open during the daytime. The bird's foot-like leaves are green and palmately divided into 3 to 5 narrowly linear primary lobes.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Location: Shoulder of Catalina Highway across from Babad Doag parking area.
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description