Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Tumamoc Globeberry.
Tumamoca macdougalii.
Gourd (Cucurbitaceae) family.
It is native to a very narrow area of the Sonoran Desert, and is found in both Sonora and Arizona. It is a monoecious vine climbing over various shrubs. Stems die in the fall, but tuberous roots generally persist through the winter. Leaves are deeply 3-lobed, nearly cleft, each lobe similarly divided into several sections. Flowers are pale yellow with narrow corolla lobes. Pistillate (female) flowers are solitary in the leaf axils; staminate (male) flowers in racemes of 2-6 flowers. Fruits are spherical, red, rarely yellow, about 10 mm (0.4 inches) in diameter. (Wikipedia)
Santa Catalina Mountains.
Sabino Canyon Recreation Area.
See SEINet Pictures and Description