Sabino Canyon 4/18/17
Sabino Canyon 4/18/17
Sabino Canyon 4/16/17
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Whitethorn Acacia.
Acacia constricta.
Pea (Fabaceae) family.
The flowers are clustered in fuzzy, 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) diameter balls. The flowers are followed by long, narrow, green to red-tinged seedpods that dry to a brown color. The leaves are bipinnately compound with tiny, green, oval leaflets. Some of the branches have distinctive, straight, white, up to 2 inch (5 cm) long thorns at the leaf axils.
Sabino Canyon Recreation Area
Location: Main road 0.5 mile from Visitor Center
9/14/15, 4/16/17, 4/18/17
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description