Sabino Canyon. On side of second Bear Canyon bridge over creek. 12/20/16.
Sabino Canyon. On side of second Bear Canyon bridge over creek. 12/7/15.
Sabino Canyon. On side of second Bear Canyon bridge over creek. 4/20/17.
Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Whitewoolly Twintip.
Stemodia durantifolia.
Plantain (Plantaginaceae) family.
The flowers are in whorls of 3 in the upper leaf axils. The individual flowers are tubular, 2-lipped, and have a yellowish white throat edged with dark purple lines, 2 pairs of stamens, and 5 rounded lobes (2 lobes on the upper lip and 3 lobes on the lower lip). The leaves are green, variably toothed, lanceolate, and in whorls of 2 or 3 at the leaf nodes. The plants are glandular-hairy and usually have sand and other bits of debris stuck to them.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Sabino Canyon Recreation Area
Location: Side of first bridge crossing of Sabino Creek just before beginning of Phoneline Trail.
Notes: Side of second bridge crossing Sabino Creek just before Phoneline Trail 12/20/16, 4/20/17.
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description