Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Triangleleaf Bursage.
Ambrosia deltoidea.
Aster (Asteraceae) family.
The staminate (male) flower heads are clustered at the tips of short flower spikes, and the pistillate (female) flower heads are clustered below them. The flowers are wind-pollinated and are followed by spiny burs. The leaves have toothed margins and are hairy, petiolate, mostly alternate, gray-green in color, triangular in shape, and up to 1 3/4 inches (4.4 cm) long. The stems are upright, hairy, and brownish to green in color. Also called Triangle Bur Ragweed.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Sabino Canyon Recreation Area
Location: By trail to Bear Canyon near Visitor Center.
2/21/17, 2/28/17
See SEINet Pictures and Description
See FireFly Forest Pictures and Description