Wildflowers of Southern Arizona
Artemisia ludoviciana
Aster (Asteraceae) family.
Perennials, 20-80 (rarely to 120 in desert washes) cm, aromatic (rhizomatous). Stems relatively few to relatively numerous, erect, gray-green, simple or widely branched, hairy. Leaves cauline, uniformly gray-green, green, or white, or bicolor (white and green); blades linear to broadly elliptic, 1.5-11 × 0.5-4 cm, entire or lobed to relatively deeply pinnatifid, faces hairy. Heads (erect to nodding, peduncles 0 or 2-5 mm) in congested to open (widely branched) arrays. Involucres campanulate or turbinate, (1-)2-4(-5) × 2-5(-8) mm. Phyllaries (gray-green), lanceolate to ovate or obovate (margins narrowly hyaline), densely tomentose. Florets: pistillate 5-12; bisexual 6-45; corollas yellow, sometimes red-tinged, 1.5-2.8 mm, glabrous. Cypselae ellipsoid ca. 0.5 mm, (obscurely nerved) glabrous.
Santa Catalina Mountains
Top of Ski Valley
Location: At edge of dirt road.
See SEINet Pictures and Description